The Nationalist Agenda

The National Rebirth Party has created an agenda for the revival of the British people and their homeland. In order to do this, the Party will work towards the TWENTY DEMANDS:


The British people must remain permanently sovereign in their own land. To this end:


1. We demand that only people of British heritage or lineage shall be inherently entitled by birth to be British citizens.


Foreigners shall be permitted to be resident within Great Britain, so long as their presence is in the immediate and long-term interests of the national community. Foreign residents should only acquire citizenship through exceptional circumstances, such as military service. In light of this:


2. We demand that foreigners whose presence is harmful to the interests of the national community be expelled, without exception, from Great Britain. Those who enter without permission shall be expelled by default and prohibited from ever returning.


In order to ensure that the British state continues to act in the interests of its own people, without risk of corruption by a foreign power, those who are not citizens must not be permitted to participate in politics or government. To that end:


3. We demand that only British citizens be permitted to vote or hold public office at any level


The British state must prioritise the interests of the British people over all others in its decision making. The interests of all foreign powers or foreign-based populations are of secondary concern. Therefore:


4. We demand that no foreign treaty, alliance or undertaking be entered into or continued unless it serves the interests of the national community. This includes the distribution of British money to foreign nations.


Every British citizen will be guaranteed their ancient rights, and every citizen will also be given responsibilites and duties. To this effect:


5. We demand that all citizens will have equal rights, and equal duties to society. Those who refuse to carry out their duties will be stripped of their rights.


The following duties will be put upon British citizens:


6. We demand that every British citizen has a duty to be productive, to the best of their ability. All honest work is honourable, and work is a duty.


The protection of the national community is a shared responsibility, and every British man has an obligation to contribute to its protection. To this end:


7. We demand that all British men must perform some kind of military service for a period of at least 18 months, to the best of their ability.


Every British citizen shall have a duty not to infringe upon the rights of their fellow countrymen, or to commit affronts against the national commmunity as a whole. For this reason:


8. We demand a justice system with the end goal of removing the most dangerous offenders from society. The most serious crimes, including crimes against the nation and its people, must carry the death penalty.


To ensure free and fair justice for all people, the legal system must be reformed so as to be rapid, easy to understand, free from complex and litigious technicalities, and without financial barriers to access. Therefore:


9. We demand the creation of a new British Law System whereby the first principle of the system is accessibility.


There shall be no state-sanctioned religion, and freedom of religion shall be a right of every British citizen. To this end:


10. We demand freedom of religion for all British people, so long as the religion does not threaten or harm the interests of the national community. Any religion which does this shall be prohibited.


Every British citizen shall be entitled to receive an education which will enable them to become as successful and productive as they are able. The first purpose of the education system will be to prepare the youth for the world of honourable work. Therefore:


11. We demand the continuation of state-funded education. We further demand that the state should establish and finance a series of schools of excellence, which will provide scholarship education of the highest possible quality, free of charge, with admittance purely on the basis of academic merit.


The health of the British people must be a priority of the British state. A nation can only be healthy when its people are made healthy. To that end:


12. We demand that British citizens shall continue to have access to a state-funded National Health Service, and the state should routinely promote and fund programmes which encourage a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle. Foreigners or visitors will be required to pay for the use of public health services.


As a way of maintaining a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle, the protection of the natural environment must be balanced against any activities which cause damage and consumption. Any measures to protect the environment must be results-based and NOT intangible, ideals-based financial scams. Therefore:


13. We demand that the re-zoning of green land for other uses must only occur by absolute national necessity. Policies to protect the environment must be realistic and achievable and not based on impossible goals.


The British national community shall encourage private enterprise in all its forms. True enterprise is that which is beneficial to both the individual AND society as a whole, and which concurrently serves personal AND national economic goals. To that effect:


14. We demand that productive private enterprise be bolstered as a cornerstone of British society. Businesses should be encouraged to form co-operatives and collaborate where possible for mutual benefit. The state must support businesses which work towards national economic goals.


Workers' Rights are sacrosanct, and no British citizen must be abused or disrespected in their work. True 'Union' is achieved when the working masses are jointly represented rather than hostile to each other. To achieve this:


15. We demand that all trade unions be amalgamated and the national government assume the duty of the protection of the worker.


Certain enterprises are essential to society, and their failure to be provided can be enormously damaging. To that end:


16. We demand that all public utilities and transportation networks be placed into public ownership. The only profits they will take will be those required for future investment.


The current economic system is based upon relentlessly incurring debt and has proven itself to be damaging to the health of the nation through unpredictable recessions, depressions and inflation. To prevent this:


17. We demand that the financial method of endlessly accumulating debt be brought to an end, and that the two principle objectives of fiscal policy be to 1) eliminate debt, and 2) prevent inflation.


The British state must aim to restore its industrial and resource self-sufficiency, as far as is possible. Firstly, to ensure an independent state, and secondly, to provide enormous employment opportunities for British workers. To achieve this:


18. We demand that tarriffs be applied where necessary to protect and foster the development of British enterprises. International capitalism, and its relentless destruction of British industries, must be ended.


The British state must contain a generous welfare system which is focussed on making citizens productive in their own right. It must help our people to help themselves. It must also work to eliminate vagrancy and homelessness. To this end:


19. We demand a welfare system that provides unemployed or destitute persons productive employment as opposed to a dependency income. The welfare system must also include profit margin limitations on rents and property prices.


In order to enact all of these demands, the British state must be a strong, centralised government. The overlapping and disorganised tiers of government (local/county/provincial) must be re-organised into a clear chain of command. Lower tiers of parliamentary government are to be abolished. The endless bickering and corruption of partisan, career and constituency politics must be brought to an end. Therefore:


20. We demand that the British state be controlled by a strong national government, with total authority, whose legitimacy derives directly from the consent of the British citizenry by way of plebiscites and referenda of public approval.