Terms and Conditions of Donations

1.1 In addition to the Privacy Policy, these Terms and Conditions apply to anyone donating money to the National Rebirth Party.


1.2 Under PPERA (Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act), any donations of more than £500, which includes the same source making multiple donations with a view that they amount to more than £500, are subject to checks and scrutiny to ensure that they are from a permissible source. 


1.3 Permissible sources are:

  • an individual registered on a UK electoral register, including overseas electors and those leaving bequests

  • a UK-registered company which is incorporated in the UK and carries on business in the UK

  • a Great Britain registered political party

  • a UK-registered trade union

  • a UK-registered building society

  • a UK-registered limited liability partnership (LLP) that carries on business in the UK

  • a UK-registered friendly or industrial and provident society

  • a UK-based unincorporated association that is based in and carries on business or other activities in the UK


1.4 Any donation as per Section 1.2 must be scrutinised to ensure that it comes from a permissible source. This means that the Party will need to collect the following information from the Donor, which will be reportable to the Electoral Commission:

  • Amount or value of the donation;

  • full name of donor;

  • registered address of donor;

  • company registration number (if applicable);

  • date(s) on which the donation was received;

  • date(s) on which the donation was accepted or returned;

  • information about the trust (if applicable).


1.5 Donations which are deemed to be impermissible will be returned by the Party to the donor. If this is not possible, or the donor was anonymous and cannot be traced, then the donated sum must be surrended to the Electoral Commission in line with the PPERA.


1.6 The Party assumes no liability for any donations which are donated but deemed to be impermissible, that are subsequently required to be surrended to the Electoral Commission, save that reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the donation is returned to the donor within a period of 30 days.